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Living Room Paintings Add Life to Your Home



If looking for living room paintings sounds like a daunting proposition, then have no fear. The only thing that will be daunting, or in another term, baffling, is the unexpected amount of fun it is to explore the options. It may even be more eye opening of personal self than what was anticipated!

Living room paintings are typically an extension of the homeowners' personality. Surroundings should make those using the space feel comfortable and connected.

Now that is a very broad statement considering each person has different personalities, specific favorites of colors, and likes and dislikes in aesthetic styling. Those three items will help in determining which living room paintings will fit perfectly into the space.

Starting with the aesthetic styling of the space will give the designer the genre to start looking for wall pieces needed. If the room has a more modern vibe then that will eliminate any art that is traditional.

If the room is more on the eclectic side then the decisions will be made in that direction. Is the space like a country parlor or is does it have a Zen quality? The elimination process has just become more specific and thus easier for the designer.

Next is the overall color scheme. If the room has a specific coloration then finding the living room paintings to fit will need to be compatible with what is already there.

A beach house may gravitate towards the soft, cool colors of the oceans greens and blues and the natural colors of the sand and surrounding foliage or scenery. If the home is modernized, in the city and is surrounded by skyscrapers, then the wall art will probably reflect those attributes that make up the beauty of the city life.

Colors can range from vibrant and bold, to the coolness found in the colors of the buildings and roads. A rustic country ranch will draw in all the natural, earthy tones found amongst the trees, the changing sky and the surrounding landscape. This type of house may also have a lot of natural woods incorporated into its furniture, walls and floors.

Lastly, and definitely the most important, is the person or persons occupying the home. Personality plays a huge role in how art is introduced into the space.

A person who displays determination, structure and cohesion will gravitate towards art that has clean lines like geometric shapes or is very simple but bold. Adding a large piece and keeping with the rest of the decor when it comes to minimalism will highlight their independence, thus bringing comfort to their experiences in that space.

People who have a strong eclectic personality tend to gravitate towards a mixture of items, colors and themes. Helping them stick to a determined color pallet will help tie in the diverse array of furniture and surroundings together.

Outgoing people tend to want to be more self expressive. They will want to be more adventurous and take on some living room paintings that may have yellows, reds and greens. Strong, pure colors of modern art will bring them joy.

Put all three of these demarcations, or boundaries together and the exploration begins! Make an impact. Create conversation. Enjoy the art.

Betz Gallery is an expert in Giclee , Living room paintings and reproductions.


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